Sunday, October 28, 2012

Trade Dead, Sanchez is the new Tony Romo

It looks like Rex Ryan will be hanging on to the most ill used offensive weapon on the Jets roster. Any chance of a trade is quickly fading and Ryan has stated that he wants more "Tebow" on the field. So far this year the Jets have used Tebow in spits and spurts with no semblance of a plan. Spagano has even pulled Tebow inside the 5 yard line so Sanchez can try to pass the ball in for six points. Not one single time has Sanchez managed much more than a Field Goal.

Simply put "Tebow Time" is a mindset and attitude on the field that becomes infectious to not just the offense but the entire team. TT needs time to grow, build trust and inject a winning attitude. Spagano's limited Wildcat Offense is not "Tebow Time". What Spagano is doing is paying lip service to the owner of the team who wants Tebow on the field. The man paid over $4 million dollars for Tebow's services and deserves to get what he wanted out of the deal. A Field General that can push the NY Jets over the top.

Unless New York wants 5 more years of Sanchez doing his best Tony Romo impression fans really need to wake up and push the issue.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Is Tim Tebow improving?

Tebow says he is improving

Tim Tebow said he believes he is improving in practice and can become a successful starting quarterback again someday in the NFL. Tebow did a one-on-one sitdown with the New York Daily News and was typical Tebow. There weren't any controversial moments and he professed his support for current starter Mark Sanchez among the topics discussed. “I’m working on a lot of things and feeling like I’m getting better. Looking forward to one day being able to show some of those things... You never know for me. My role, it could expand,” Tebow said of working to improve. About the closest thing Tebow said toward anything controversial was his remark that the Jets have had a history of too much talk. Hard to argue that point, Tim. “We’ve had a history here of people talking too much. You just don’t want to do that," Tebow said.

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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Texans doom Sanchez, Tebow-Time coming soon......

I have to admit that the entire NFL community of analysts are correct when they point out Tim Tebow's flaws as an NFL Quarterback. However, even the inventor of the QBR rankings has to surrender to the fact that Tebow brings something 'intangible' to a football team. Even the silliest Tebow-maniacs know in their heart of hearts that Tebow is only a temporary patch for the the NY Jets. Rex Ryan has been leaning towards Tebow-time while giving Sanchez every chance to wake up and lead. Rex even put Tim in to get the anemic Jets onto the 3 yard line and still Mark could not punch it in.

Sanchez has greatness in him but I don't think it is going to come into its own in New York. He is Step-Brother to Eli Manning and Hamlet to Tim Tebow in the New York media circus. Sanchez needs.... requires a strong offensive coordinator, a talented receivers, a running game and 5 second pass blocking. That will not happen under Spagano and the injury plagued Jets offense. Rex Ryan and Mark Sanchez sit on a major Decision Point according to Michael Smith on "Numbers Never Lie". Give it a watch.